Terms and Condition

1) Introduction

Welcome to Sadhannepal.com, presented by SadhanNepal Private Limited (Registration No.1234756/56/34). We are an online marketplace and this User Agreement outlines the terms and conditions for your access and use of the Site, including its related sub-domains, sites, mobile apps, services, and tools. By using the Site you agree to be legally bound by this User Agreement which is deemed effective on your first use of the Site. If you do not accept these terms then please refrain from logging onto or using this Site. These Terms and Conditions may be modified, added, or removed at any time by the Site without prior notice. Changes will take effect when they are posted on the Site without any other notice. This Site's Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time. If you continue to use the Site following the posting of new Terms and Conditions, you agree that you have accepted those changes.

2)condition of use


Creating an account with us or providing personal information to create an account may be required to access certain services offered by the platform. In our sole and absolute discretion, we may invalidate usernames and/or passwords at any time without giving any reason or prior notice, and we shall not be responsible for any loss suffered, caused by, arising out of, in connection with, or as a result of such a request or invalidation.
You are responsible for keeping your user ID, password and account details secure at all times and not disclosing them to anyone else. If you have any reason to think that your password has been revealed or is being used without authorization, please inform us straight away. Any access of the Site or use of its services using your account and password will be deemed as either authenticated by you or authorized by you. Accordingly, we shall be allowed (but not obligated) to assume that such access or usage was done by you and you agree to be held solely answerable for it. Moreover, you agree that we can take action based on it, and rely on it; also, you shall indemnify us against any losses resulting from the access of the Site with your account.
It is important to ensure that the information you provide us is always accurate and complete. You can update account details yourself by accessing Your Account on the Site; for data, you can't amend this way, please use our customer service communication channels. We may at any moment, without prior notice or reason, deny access to the Site, cancel accounts, or remove or edit content. Furthermore, we may request that you update your Personal Data or invalidate the account without warning. To keep your account secure, we recommend changing your password regularly. This should remain confidential and anyone using it (with or without authorization) will be held responsible.

B Privacy

We value privacy, thus it is necessary for some of our functions and services that we request information from our users- such as name, email address, contact address, phone numbers, etc. This data is offered voluntarily by the user and a portion may also be visible to other Internet users and third parties whom we cannot regulate. To facilitate communication within our site we will also share certain details with fellow users
For the proper functioning of our services, some computer data is involuntarily collected by our system. Cookies, IP addresses, site browsing behavior, page traffic, and computer, browser, and screen information are among the types of data we collect. These data may also be collected by third-party vendors, including Google, to display ads based on user behavior.
The information and data we collect is used to provide our services, facilitate communication between users, customize information, communicate marketing and promotional offers (for which you can opt-out at any time), display third-party advertisements, identify users, conduct market research, troubleshoot & improve or develop our systems, and identify users.
Data transmission over the internet is not under our control and may not be completely secure. This information is stored on secure computers and is protected against unauthorized access and malicious use.
Your personal details, postings, and other information can be modified or deleted at any time. For reporting, regulatory compliances, etc., we may retain backups/archives for a reasonable period of time. By aggregating information in such a way as to anonymize it, we may provide our affiliates with non-personally identifiable data.

3) Understanding of the platform

By accepting this Agreement, you acknowledge that SadhanNepal provides a platform for communication between users to facilitate advertisement and sharing of information related to goods/services. We do not endorse any of the listings, nor are we responsible for information or action performed by third party users. You alone are accountable for transactions processed with them and any risks posed by this. Please read our Safety Tips prior to conducting any transactions with other Site users.

4) your conduct –

You must not use the website in such a manner that could lead to harm or disruption. This includes damaging, impairing or disrupting the Site, employees, officers, representatives, stakeholders or any other related parties. Additionally, you are solely responsible for any electronic messaging and content you send from your computer to us. As such, you must use the Site for legal intentions only. Any efforts for communication/sale purchase of goods and services from other users should be protected through safety protocols; we suggest familiarizing yourself with our Safety Tips prior to partaking in any transaction with another user.
Unauthorized sending, use or reuse of any material that has no affiliation with the sender, is illegal, offensive (including, but not limited to, sexually explicit content or content that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm), deceptive, misleading, abusive, indecent, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory libelous, obscene, pornographic or menacing; ethnically objectionable; disparaging of copyright; trademark; confidentiality; privacy or other proprietary information or right; injurious to third parties; related to money laundering or gambling; harmful to minors in any way; pretending to be someone else; threatening the unity, integrity or security of Nepal or friendly relations with foreign states; prohibited by law in any form whatsoever; containing software viruses; related to political campaigning commercial solicitation chain letters mass mailings or spamming can lead to annoyance and needless anxiety. We do not permit any other uses of our services.


Due to the vast number of products and comments offered by numerous sellers on our Site, it is not feasible for us to be familiar with all the content. Thus, we operate on a "claim, review, and takedown" basis. Should you come across any content that is illegal, offensive (including, but not limited to sexually explicit content or material promoting racism), deceptive, misleading, abusive, indecent, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic, or paedophilic; as well as anything which relates to or encourages money laundering or gambling; or is harmful to minors; or imitates someone else; or threatens the unity and security of Nepal or friendly ties with other countries; please inform us by writing an email at [email protected]. We'll make all attempts practicable to examine and eliminate legitimate dubious content complained about within a reasonable time frame.
If you wish to make a claim, please provide your name, address, contact information, and as many relevant details as possible, such as the name of the objectionable content party, instances of objection, and proof of objection. If you provide incomplete details, your claim will be invalid and will not be valid.

6) Site Usage / Your Responsibility:

A license is granted to you, subject to the conditions mentioned herein, for your personal use of this site. You are not authorized to use the site for any commercial purpose, including but not limited to, sending an unsolicited commercial email or making unsolicited commercial phone calls. Much of the information on the site related to goods and/or services come from users and may include inaccuracies. This information is offered as a suggestion and is not guaranteed to be accurate. SadhanNepal does not bear liability for such inaccuracies. You are solely responsible for securing your login and password for your account at SadhanNepal and for restricting unauthorized access to your computer or electronic device. Please note that SadhanNepal cannot be held liable should you learn of any unauthorized use of your account. In order to enjoy full privileges on this website, you agree that you will not use this site for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by the Government of Nepal.